News What is the difference between 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi routers?

What is the difference between 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi routers?

If you belong to the Internet users for whom the dream goal is a fast and reliable connection via a router, you may are thinking about the choice between the frequency of 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz. Which of them will be more suitable for you and will meet better all the requirements?

What is the difference between 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi routers?

Nothing is black and white

The answer to the question from the introduction is not as simple as it might seem at first sight. Each frequency has actually its pluses, but none of them can avoid some of the details that might not be convenient for you in practice. So before choosing the device, you should go through the options carefully and get acquainted with the qualities of the available routers.

Speed, reliability and sufficient coverage

Today's modern Wi-Fi routers work on two different frequencies. Regarding the speed, the transmission in the 5 GHz band is definitely better. When the tests are performed under optimal conditions, it is really rapidly faster in the area of download and upload. However, there are already mentioned optimal conditions, which are definitely not possible to achieve every time. The short-distance connection without an obstacle is at the 5 GHz frequency problem-free and the the band is usually more free than at 2.4 GHz frequency. This may cause an unwanted interference. On the other hand, the lower frequency (also 2.4 GHz) get through the potential obstacles much more better, although it is significantly slower.

A double variant of the signal transmission is one of the available solutions

Many models of the modern routers can easily without problems transmit a signal on both mentioned frequencies at the same time, so either we choose the desired frequency on the receiving device manually, or the one that currently offers a better connection will be automatically set itself. Therefore, if you decide to set up your own domestic wireless network using a WiFi router, think about locating it so that the reception is as easy as possible and the signal is not significantly disturbed or obstructed. You can use both frequencies at the same moment and connect to a concrete network those devices for which it pays more.

Short summary

  • The data transfer is significantly faster at the 5 GHz frequency.
  • There are more noises and interferences (including Bluetooth devices) in the 2.4 GHz band.
  • The modern routers often support DFS (automatic frequency selection)
  • If the router is equipped with the TPC (Transmitting Power Control) service, it will look up the least overloaded channel with low noise on its own
  • For the 5 GHz routers, the TPC function can automatically regulate the power of the transmitted signal, so it does not unnecessarily disturb the other networks in the surroundings.

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