Statistics - last 100 tests

Show me: statistics by hostname

Date and timeServerCountry Hostname (provider)Mbit/sMbit/sms
18.02 Deutschland - Frankfurt - #4GermanyVodafone GmbH20,879,0635.7
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic62.209.230._17,7610,1139.6
18.02 16:21EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: PolandPolandT-Mobile Polska S.A35,214,7728.1
18.02 16:21EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: hungaryHungaryExternet Kft.2,980,47161.8
18.02 16:21Linode: Deutschland - Frankfurt - #1Germany89.1.36._63,1122,5926.5
18.02 16:21EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: PolandPolandT-Mobile Polska S.A136,724,6338.7
18.02 Germany - FrankfurtGermany217.160.19._20,827,49296.3
18.02 Slovensko - BratislavaSlovakiaImafex, spol. s r.o.40,2636,789.6
18.02 Slovensko - BratislavaSlovakiaO2 Slovakia a.s.15,5760,3152.6
18.02 16:20EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Deutschland - Germany - FrankfurtGermanyNetcom Kassel Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH47,799,5510.9
18.02 16:20Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.starnet.cz334,7481,714.9
18.02 16:20Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic37.188.137._12,244,1832.8
18.02 16:20GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic_.profinetworks.cz203,150,8327.2
18.02 France - Paris - #2FranceOrange137,7155,917.8
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic_.rcf.o2.cz12,764,9817.3
18.02 16:20EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: hungaryHungaryKábelszatNet-2002 Kft.13,288,7433.5
18.02 16:20Linode: Deutschland - Frankfurt - #1Germany217.160.19._5,714,20102.5
18.02 New YorkNorway77.111.246._0,370,36281.2
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic185.224.112._209,7139,115.8
18.02 16:20Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz33,4623,1115.8
18.02 16:20Metropolitní s.r.o.: Havlíčkův BrodCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz11,7413,3844.7
18.02 Hong KongVietnam183.81.19._1,080,9352.8
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic89.24.80._6,235,8159.4
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic62.209.230._29,609,8748.9
18.02 16:20EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: hungaryHungaryMagyar Telekom0,710,1171.8
18.02 16:20Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech,8842,5530.0
18.02 16:20GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic_.poda.cz5,2310,2913.2
18.02 16:20Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.rce.o2.cz115,221,9812.2
18.02 16:20Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.customers.tmcz.cz52,768,9711.2
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech,5921,9529.6
18.02 16:20EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: United States of Ameria - New YorkUnited States148.153.222._12,863,81459.4
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic188.116.91._642,9830,912.2
18.02 Singapore - ZonerIndonesia114.122.36._--288.5
18.02 16:19GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic_.abra.eu551,5602,516.8
18.02 New YorkUnited States78.31.207._60,635,25128.9
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic_.rib.o2.cz25,8034,3020.3
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Austria - ViennaAustriaT-Mobile Austria GmbH589,962,3039.5
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: hungaryHungaryCellkabel19,4414,549.3
18.02 16:19Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.static.reverse.hbnet.cz38,519,6827.4
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic91.232.214._41,4617,5030.0
18.02 16:19Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.rch.o2.cz79,5518,0412.6
18.02 16:19Metropolitní s.r.o.: Havlíčkův BrodCzech Republic_.poda.cz27,157,3036.3
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic_.rcn.o2.cz36,3127,5728.4
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Polska - Warsaw - #3PolandT-Mobile Polska S.A152,149,1141.8
18.02 16:19Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaUnited States104.28.62._325,6283,237.6
18.02 Slovensko - BratislavaSlovakiaRadioLAN, spol. s r.o.19,403,9018.1
18.02 16:19GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech,6424,215.3
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: hungaryHungaryMagyar Telekom20,7335,0331.0
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Russia MoscowRussia94.233.238._45,9642,1634.8
18.02 16:19Metropolitní s.r.o.: Havlíčkův BrodCzech Republic_.client.rionet.cz9,568,4374.8
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Hungary - Budapest #3HungaryHir-Sat 2000 Kft.4,5312,6227.6
18.02 16:19Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech,9541,0519.9
18.02 BrnoCzech,9624,8623.5
18.02 16:19Linode: Deutschland - Frankfurt - #1GermanyTelekom Deutschland GmbH50,3133,6913.0
18.02 New YorkUnited States78.31.207._27,449,01105.5
18.02 Slovensko - BratislavaSlovakiaPegoNet567,391,247.5
18.02 Slovensko - BratislavaSlovakiaANTIK Telecom s.r.o.431,4331,413.1
18.02 Slovensko - BratislavaSlovakiaO2 Slovakia a.s.171,610,6238.3
18.02 16:19GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech,7816,5720.6
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: CZ - Prague - EdisCzech Republic_.eurosignal.cz51,6321,4716.6
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: PolandPolandT-Mobile Polska S.A33,1618,0016.8
18.02 16:19Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.opanet.cz275,3294,89.2
18.02 16:19EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: PolandPolandT-Mobile Polska S.A154,565,2943.7
18.02 16:18EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Hungary - Budapest #3HungaryHir-Sat 2000 Kft.6,349,8023.5
18.02 16:18GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech,5342,7325.1
18.02 16:18Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.nat.epc.tmcz.cz73,5670,3142.8
18.02 16:18EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: hungaryHungaryMagyar Telekom84,4583,308.0
18.02 16:18Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.cust.tlapnet.cz298,049,837.7
18.02 16:18EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: CZ - Prague - EdisCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz9,899,7132.7
18.02 16:18GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic193.179.66._37,5633,4411.5
18.02 s.r.o.: OstravaCzech Republic_.mesto-namest.cz32,8647,3031.6
18.02 16:18GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic188.175.121._851,8709,27.1
18.02 16:18EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: PolandPolandT-Mobile Polska S.A418,153,9812.3
18.02 16:18EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Hungary - Budapest #3HungaryDIGI Tavkozlesi es Szolgaltato Kft.43,8233,2518.1
18.02 16:18Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech,2160,315.7
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic185.224.112._179,093,3018.1
18.02 16:18EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Hungary - Budapest #3HungaryHir-Sat 2000 Kft.5,2112,7423.5
18.02 BrnoCzech Republic_.nat.epc.tmcz.cz101,354,0741.8
18.02 16:18GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic188.175.121._256,6619,68.1
18.02 16:18Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz93,5427,8811.6
18.02 16:18GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz41,4522,0518.8
18.02 16:18Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz103,432,7826.9
18.02 16:18Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech,6182,213.7
18.02 16:18GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic_.daquas.cz37,4238,004.7
18.02 16:18Linode: Japan -,298,4020.5
18.02 BrnoCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz70,985,0783.0
18.02 16:18Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz11,163,8035.3
18.02 CZ - Prague - Active24Czech Republic188.116.91._637,6793,313.0
18.02 16:18Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech,9219,4528.0
18.02 16:17EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Austria - ViennaAustriaT-Mobile Austria GmbH276,417,7419.9
18.02 16:17GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaCzech Republic_.ip.topnet.cz17,336,7931.9
18.02 16:17EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: CZ - Prague - EdisCzech Republic_.customers.tmcz.cz51,8326,8437.6
18.02 16:17Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.pilsfree.net31,1241,4811.3
18.02 New YorkUnited States78.31.207._79,1718,59123.1
18.02 16:17GamerHost s.r.o.: PrahaUnited States136.23.1._146,773,5134.2
18.02 16:17Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.rct.o2.cz10,309,8732.6
18.02 16:17EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: CZ - Prague - EdisCzech,0492,0611.0
18.02 16:17Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.poda.cz26,0733,2715.3
18.02 16:17EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations: Russia MoscowRussia194.5.61._260,9113,318.4
18.02 16:17Casablanca CZ: CZ - Prague - CasablancaCzech Republic_.rcr.o2.cz59,9751,069.5